Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct Policy and Trespass Policy

While the parks and open space are open to all, no one has the right to interfere with another park guest’s use and enjoyment of Rim of the World Recreation and Park District’s parks and facilities. Behavior, including those activities listed below, is unacceptable when it violates the law, interferes with the rights of others, endangers or injures oneself or others or when it results in damage to park property, buildings or equipment. Kindness and respect towards fellow park guests and Park District staff members is appreciated and expected at all times.
It is Rim of the World Recreation and Park District’s policy to lead with education and raising awareness to achieve compliance with the Code of Conduct Policy. In cases where education does not work, and to address chronic and/or serious behavior, we reserve the right to take further action, up to and including issuing a trespass notice as described below.
Before a trespass notice is issued by a Park District staff member, park management is consulted. Park guests are provided with a copy of the trespass notice and information on how to submit an appeal. Appeals are reviewed by the Park District General Manager, or designee, to ensure robust oversight. Regular updates are provided to the Park District Board of Directors to ensure accountability to the community. Before a trespass notice is issued to a juvenile, a notification is sent to the juvenile’s parent/guardian.
Rim of the World Recreation and Park District’s Code of Conduct Policy was developed jointly with the community we serve and is intended to benefit the public and protect the rights of individuals and focuses on the actual behavior of a person. Rim of the World Recreation and Park District reserves the right to define and identify disruptive behavior and/or actions that interfere with the positive and safe atmosphere in Park District’s open spaces and facilities.
Code of Conduct Policy (Policy 3007):
For the purposes of this policy, a facility is a Park District property operated and maintained by the Rim of the World Recreation and Park District.
The following is not permitted in any Rim of the World Recreation and Park District’s Facilities: “park(s)”, “ball fields”, “open spaces”, “playgrounds”, “parking lots” and/or “buildings” and/or “facilities” (collectively anything own or rented by the Park District and/or under Park District maintenance and operations known as “Park District property”):
• Abusing or vandalizing a Park District property and/or its amenities in any way
• Entering or using Park District property or its amenities at any time other than during the posted hours of operation
• Using, possessing or selling illegal drugs or possessing drug paraphernalia
• Possessing or consuming alcohol without obtaining proper approval
• Possessing weapons inside any Park District facility
• Aggressive intimidation or harassment of patrons or Park District staff members including physical, sexual or verbal abuse
• Obstructing other guests’ use of Park District property and amenities, or maintenance of the Park District property and amenities by Park District staff members
• Using amenities, including picnic tables and playgrounds, outside of their intended or approved purpose
• Bathing, sleeping, storing personal belongings or doing laundry in restrooms or facilities
• Storing or leaving personal belongings unattended within any Park District property
• Use of shopping carts, skateboards, or other wheeled devices when they create obstructions, unnecessary clutter or damage to landscaping
• Charging for services, including exercise activities, guided hikes, sports and other special interest classes and activities, without obtaining proper approval
• Assembling groups of 50 people or more without obtaining proper approval
• Use of one or more picnic shelters in a park for more than four hours per day, for two consecutive days, without obtaining proper approval
• Use of amplified sound without obtaining proper approval
• Use of tobacco products on all Park District property, or otherwise posted
• Animals inside facilities, except for service animals, which are permitted
• Entering facilities without appropriate attire or lack of hygiene, as posted? (no shoes, no shirt, no entrance)
• Unlawful conduct that violates San Bernardino County Law, or posted Park Rules and Regulations
• Activities that may endanger self, others, wildlife or Park District property
In addition to the rules listed above, the following is not permitted on any Park District property:
• Endangering children or vulnerable adults on difficult terrain or in adverse weather conditions
• Endangering pets/dogs on difficult terrain or in adverse weather conditions, such as temperatures over 100 degrees or below 32 degrees.
• It’s strictly prohibited to abandon, dump, or release any pets or animals in park properties
• Playing personal music via speakers; use of headphones is encouraged, as a courtesy to fellow visitors on Park District property
• Smoking/vaping
• Defacing natural areas with chalk, marker, powder materials, paints, or other non-natural products
• Moving rocks or other native materials or altering landscapes in such a way as to facilitate or encourage illegal use or to cause personal or ecological harm
• Riding electric bicycles or other types of motorized vehicles on park property or where motorized vehicles are not permitted on paths shared with pedestrians
• Operating a metal detector and removing any found items
• Placing of geocaches in a location within a park or preserve that does not fall within management guidelines for that area – all geocaches must be reviewed and approved by park management or they will be removed
• No loitering, no camping, no dwelling or misuse of Park District property and surrounding areas - San Bernardino County Code Section 25.0201
• Flying drones is prohibited in sensitive areas, including:
o Areas near playgrounds, picnic areas, or dense visitor zones.
o Within a certain distance (e.g., 100 feet) of any facility or gathering, such as sporting events, festivals, or outdoor concerts.
Trespass Policy (Policy 3008):
Park guests whose behavior violates the Code of Conduct Policy are educated about the policy. It is Rim of the World Recreation and Park District’s policy to lead with education and raising awareness to achieve compliance with the Code of Conduct Policy. In situations in which verbal warnings and education have not been successful, Park District staff members have the authority to order a guest to leave Park District property for the remainder of the day. In the event of repeated offenses, guests may be issued a trespass notice for a period of 30 days or more, applicable to the location where the violation(s) took place or to all Rim of the World Recreation and Park District’s property.
• First offense will result in a verbal warning and education about the Code of Conduct Policy, and shall require immediate cessation of the behavior that violates the Code of Conduct Policy
• Refusal to cease the behavior that violates the Code of Conduct Policy may result in an order to leave the park for the remainder of the day.
• Repeated offenses may result in the issuance of a trespass notice valid for 30 days from some or all Rim of the World Recreation and Park District’s property
• Guests who previously received a verbal warning and have been issued a trespass notice, and continue to violate the Code of Conduct Policy, are subject to trespass periods of 60 days and greater from some or all Rim of the World Recreation and Park District’s property
The following offenses are subject to immediate trespass periods of 60 days and greater from some or all parks and facilities:
o Harassing patrons or staff members, including physical, sexual or verbal abuse
o Violating any criminal law of the San Bernardino County Law and State of California Law
Trespass notices must include information on why the park guest is being trespassed, the amount of time they are being trespassed for and the locations from which they are being trespassed. Additionally, the trespass notice provides information on how to appeal the trespass.
Before a trespass notice is issued to a juvenile, a notification is sent to the juvenile’s parent or guardian, informing them of the issue and providing education about the Code of Conduct Policy.